Diamond Gel

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    Trenchless and Technical Drilling Fluids & Additives

    Diamond Gel

    Diamond Gel is a bentonite product designed with the specific needs of numerous drilling markets in mind. This premium grade beneficiated Wyoming bentonite outperforms its competitors in nearly all aspects. Diamond Gel is engineered to disperse easily under poor mixing conditions commonly found on coring rigs meaning this product eliminates waste due to clumping. Diamond Gel increases field yield by utilizing every gram in a bag to build viscosity and not sink to the bottom of the tank.

    High-yielding premium bentonite builds a longer-lasting system for HDD recycler units capable of withstanding continual reuse without degradation of properties.

    This all-around viscosifier, lubricant, fluid loss control additive is the solution in a demanding industry where every nickel counts and is proudly Earth Pro.

    Diamond Gel Product Sheets:

    English Español

    sack of diamond gel

    Features & Benefits

    Mixing & Handling

    Physical & Chemical Properties

    Packaging & Controls

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