A Leading Supplier to the Geothermal, Geotechnical, Environmental & Water Well Drilling Industries

Di-Corp’s industry-leading expertise in geothermal, geotechnical, environmental, and water well drilling supplies and equipment is second to none. We are committed to ensuring that you have all the products you need to optimize drilling production while managing environmental impacts.

Geotechnical, Environmental & Water Well

Meeting the Needs of Geotechnical, Environmental & Water Well Drilling Companies

Geotechnical & Environmental Drilling

In an industry that begins with subsurface exploration and reaches beyond into a mass collection of drilling methods and post-drilling installations, Di-Corp is proud to be a leading supplier. With our vast product offering, we support projects ranging from soil stabilization, injection and monitoring wells, pre and post-construction geological investigation and installations for soil movement monitoring.

a man is working on a construction site
a man working on a large cement pipe

Water Well Drilling

As a leading supplier to the water well industry, Di-Corp provides a mass selection of steel and PVC casing, stainless steel screens, NSF/ANSI-certified drilling fluids, bentonites, polymer additives, and grouts, backed by unmatched service and support. Our specialized water well drilling products are the ideal solution for projects such as residential housing wells, industrial applications such as large town wells, source wells for oilfield drilling, and dewatering projects.

Geothermal Drilling

Geothermal drilling involves drilling a conventional drill hole, often by rotary drilling. A definite industry standout, Di-Corp provides a wide range of geothermal drilling fluids and additives, ranging from high-quality NSF certified bentonites, to grouts, loss circulation materials, dispersants/thinners, weighting materials, as well as dry and liquid polymers for wellbore stability and lubrication.

a man is working on a large metal object

Why Choose Di-Corp?


A Full Range of Premium Drilling Supplies & Products

Drilling Fluids Service, Education, Engineering & Support

Protect your drilling fluids investment by choosing Di-Corp as your supplier. We not only offer superior drilling fluids designed to combat challenging ground conditions, but we also offer unmatched service and support to help you maximize your profits. 

  • Education for your front-line team.
  • Engineering field-level tools to increase efficiency & performance.
  • Support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for urgent drilling fluids matters.

Serving the Geothermal, Geotechnical, Environmental & Water Well Drilling Industries Worldwide

With our manufacturing, distribution, and service locations in Canada, the United States, Mexico, and Ghana, and our international supply chain with distributors serving South America, Europe and Central Asia, the Middle East, and Australia, Di-Corp is proud to supply our premium consumables and equipment to companies across the globe. 


Serving the Geothermal, Geotechnical, Environmental & Water Well Drilling Industries Worldwide

Request a Quote Today

Fill out the form below to learn more about how Di-Corp’s products can support your drilling methods or request a quote for our premium drilling supplies and products today.