CF Desco II

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    CF Desco II

    CF Desco II is used to control rheological properties in water based drilling fluids. CF Desco II is an alkaline material, which is effective in a wide pH range (optimum is suggested at 9.0-11.0) in fresh water and salt-water muds.

    CF Desco II is highly effective at low concentrations and is compatible with all other mud additives. It scavenges oxygen from the mud system, which assists in reducing corrosion and in extending the thermal stability of mud systems.

    Normal addition ranges for CF Desco II are 0.5-7.0 kg/m³ depending upon the application. CF Desco II is a very effective thinner in most systems and only low concentrations are generally required.

    CF Desco II Product Sheet

    bag of cf-desco
    a pile of dark powder

    Features & Benefits

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    Physical Properties

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