On January 23-26, 2017, Di-Corp will be exhibiting at AME Roundup 2017 in Vancouver, BC.
Mineral Exploration Roundup 2017 will bring together geoscientists, prospectors, investors, suppliers and First Nation partners to share ideas that will help shape the future of mineral exploration and development. As the downturn is still affecting the industry and mineral deposits becomes harder to find, the Round-up will help us work together and be creative in discovering and creating new mineral deposits.
Attendees who visit the Di-Corp Booth 901/903 will experience our wide portfolio range including our advanced Drillers Edge Mineral Exploration tooling line which encompasses drill rod & casing, core retrieval systems & components, and diamond tooling – TSD, Impregnated and Carbonado.
In addition, Di-Corp will be showcasing its full range of Earth Pro Drilling Fluids including new products such as TurboCut, MultiMix, SynVis D, SynVis L and ProPac D.
For more information on these products or to find out more about Di-Corp please stop by Booth 901/903!